Occupational & Residential Noise Survey
BRRC evaluated the noise exposure level at select locations along an industrial equipment line, as well as noise received in the adjacent residential community attributable to operational activity. BRRC enabled the plant operators to better contextualize residential complaints by understanding ambient vs. operational sound levels relative to local noise ordinances and likely sleep disturbances. BRRC provided mitigation recommendations that focused on redirected pipe apertures, duct silencers, noise masking, and effective public relations.

Rock Quarry Noise Mitigation
BRRC is characterizing the operational and ambient sound environment in the vicinity of a rock quarry. This collaborative effort between industry and residential interests is focused on objective measurements to inform practical noise mitigation options.

Noise Evaluation of a Planned Blast and Paint Facility
BRRC conducted an evaluation of noise-related considerations resulting from a proposed new industrial facility. Using SoundPLAN modeling projections of the external noise sources expected at the facility, BRRC provided context for the potential effects on area community noise.

Noise Measurements of Concrete Plant Operations
BRRC served as independent noise specialists to measure and document the sound exposure level attributable to concrete plant operations. BRRC personnel performed regular observations and continuous, multi-day measurements to estimate the ambient and operational acoustic environment at nearby residences and summarized the findings in a comprehensive technical memorandum.

Ambient and Demolition Noise Measurement
BRRC conducted noise monitoring to characterize the ambient environment in an office building. Deliverables included a description of the measurement methodology, site descriptions, collected data, and characterization of the monitored noise using statistical acoustical metrics. BRRC prepared this documentation to establish a baseline sound exposure relative to periodic demolition and construction activity.

Industrial Noise Study
BRRC completed a comprehensive evaluation of a complex industrial environment to determine potential noise mitigation actions. Seasonal soundscape monitoring was performed over eight weeks at ten locations, followed by detailed SoundPLAN modeling. This multi-faceted project required that BRRC personnel characterize the sound output from numerous large equipment items, conduct supportive interactions with the public, and present clear and actionable conclusions. BRRC provided multiple recommendations to achieve effective noise mitigations to help minimize community complaints.