Camp Lejeune RCUZ and Camp Davis AICUZ Study
BRRC conducted a noise analysis using a range of DoD environmental noise models to identify potential noise impacts to local communities and to guide land use recommendations in the vicinity of USMC ranges. Camp Lejeune training facilities consist of 11 miles of beach, 32 gun positions, 48 tactical landing zones, and 80 live fire ranges, among much else. Correspondingly, this analysis encompassed noise generated by a vast array of large weapons and small arms range expenditures, as well as the associated projectile bow shock from supersonic projectiles. In addition BRRC developed noise contours for rotorcraft training operations conducted at Camp Davis.

AICUZ and RAICUZ Studies for NAS Kingsville
BRRC developed noise contours to support an update to the AICUZ for Naval Air Station (NAS) Kingsville, TX and Naval Auxiliary Landing Field (NALF) Orange Grove, TX. To accomplished this task, BRRC gathered and validated operational data for input into noise models. In addition, BRRC performed iterations of the operational parameters to provide input into possible noise reductions through flight track and flight profile modifications.

Parris Island Noise Study
BRRC conducted a noise study for Marine training operations at the Marine Corps Training Depot Parris Island, SC. The primary noise generating activities on Parris Island include firing ranges and Crucible training operations. Noise modeling included small arms weapon firing, artillery simulators, simulated machine guns and loud speakers. Noise contours from these operations were generated using the SARNAM and BNoise range noise models.

RAICUZ Noise Study for Navy Dare and Stumpy Point Ranges
BRRC conducted a noise study to determine, define, and evaluate the noise environment from the current and projected aircraft training operations conducted at Dare County Bombing Range and Stumpy Point Range, as part of a Range Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (RAICUZ) study. Aircraft and aerial weaponry noise were modeled for wide range of aerial training missions for both the Navy and Air Force.

NAS Whiting Field and 13 OLFs AICUZ Study
BRRC performed noise analysis and modeling for NAS Whiting Field and seven of its outlying airfields as part of an update to its Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) study. The analysis covered both fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft using NoiseMap and Rotorcraft Noise Model (RNM), and included NMSim videos of typical flight operations. This project is a prime example of helicopters playing a crucial role in a noise study, demonstrating BRRC’s experience and understanding of the issues associated with helicopters in an environmental noise analysis.